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Funkey Monkey
October 12, 2018
FUN Fact Friday – 12/10/18
It’s nearing Halloween, so here’s a Halloweeny FUN Fact for you! Spiders have near sight and can’t see far away. So actually – YOU’RE creeping
October 10, 2018
⭐️ Positive Mid-Week Vibes ⭐️ 10/10/18
Today is Mental Health Awareness Day and we couldn’t think of a better way to sum up mental health. ‘Sometimes life is all about your
October 5, 2018
FUN Fact Friday 5/10/18
Every Friday we bring you a FUN Fact and today is no different! 🎈The first hydrogen balloon to take flight was, later, destroyed by
October 2, 2018
Chatty Tuesday – Chhin Lee, Little Monkey
Tell us a little bit about yourself. My name is Chhin Lee and I was born in Vietnam but immigrated to the US at 6 years
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