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Funkey Monkey
October 12, 2018
FUN Fact Friday – 12/10/18
It’s nearing Halloween, so here’s a Halloweeny FUN Fact for you! Spiders have near sight and can’t see far away. So actually – YOU’RE creeping
October 2, 2018
Chatty Tuesday – Chhin Lee, Little Monkey
Tell us a little bit about yourself. My name is Chhin Lee and I was born in Vietnam but immigrated to the US at 6 years
September 22, 2018
Hobbit Day and International Fairy Tea Party
Here’s our fave Hobbit and Fairy! Flora the Fairy and Hobson the Hobbit – they’re BEST friends and love dancing together! Yesterday was the ‘International
September 14, 2018
FUN Fact Friday – 14/09/18
The biggest producer of tyres in the world….? LEGO!!! 🚜🏍 They may be tiny but there’s 306 million of them made each year!!
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